

Are Exotic Shorthair Cats Ugly? Explaining Their Characteristics, Personality, and How to Raise Them

Are Exotic Shorthair cats ugly? We will explain their characteristics, personality, and how to raise them. This double-coated cat, which was born in the United States, is actually quite popular, but its face is very distinctive. It is said that its ugly face is what makes it so popular.

What kind of cat (animal) is KodKod? Explaining the characteristics, ecology, and habitat of cats

What kind of cat is the Kodkod, a small spotted cat found in Argentina and Chile? We will explain its body length, characteristics, ecology, and habitat. This cat is very well known in South America and is a wild cat, so it is not a domestic cat. This cat has a cute face and is about half the size of a domestic cat, making it a highly recommended animal.