What kind of bird is the Southern Ground Hornbill? An explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat


What kind of bird is the Southern Ground Hornbill? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. The Southern Ground Hornbill is one of the largest species in the order Hornbill. It is a bird that can be seen widely in Africa, but it is actually an endangered species.

What is the Southern Ground Hornbill? Basic Stats

The southern ground hornbill is a bird classified in the order Bucconidae, family Bucorvidae, and genus Bucorvus. Its scientific name is Bucorvus leadbeateri, its English name is Southern ground-hornbill, and its kanji is 南地犀鳥. Its body length is 90-130cm, its weight is 4-5kg, and its wingspan is 120-180cm.

English(英名)Southern ground-hornbill
scientific name(学名)Bucorvus leadbeateri
classification(分類)Aves、 Bucerotiformes、 Bucorvidae、Bucorvus


The southern ground hornbill is found across the African continent south of the Sahara Desert, and can be seen widely in countries such as Congo, Kenya, Namibia, and Uganda.

What are its characteristics? What does it look like?

The Southern Ground Hornbill is black in color and has a large red throat pouch. It is one of the largest species in the order Hornbills, and is a resident bird that lives throughout the year in its distribution area. The Southern Ground Hornbill is found in forests and savannas, and in the highlands of eastern Africa, it lives at an altitude of about 3,000 meters. Its slightly curved beak is black and has a protrusion at the top of the base.

What is its ecology?

The Southern Ground Hornbill is mainly active on the ground, and forages on the ground, eating insects, terrestrial snails, amphibians, and reptiles. It breeds from September to December and is monogamous. It builds its nest in a high tree hole or a rock hole in a cliff, and lays 3 to 7 eggs. Both males and females reach sexual maturity in 4 to 6 years, and it is said that it can live for nearly 70 years.

Do they have any natural enemies?

The Southern Ground Hornbill is a predator, so it has almost no external enemies.

Is the Southern Ground Hornbill an endangered species?

The Southern Ground Hornbill is designated as an endangered species (Red List). The habitat and population continues to decline due to habitat destruction, being caught up in poison bait used to exterminate other animals, and being exterminated as a pest bird. Southern Ground Hornbills have a low reproductive rate and often take a long time to grow, which is why their population is not increasing.

Can Southern Ground Hornbills be kept as pets?

As Southern Ground Hornbills are an endangered species, it is extremely difficult to keep them as pets. Look up information about zoos and other places and see them at events. Images are posted on online pages and can be viewed.


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