What kind of animal is the Dhole (Red Wolf)? An explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat


What kind of animal is the world’s famous canine dhole (red wolf)? We will explain its wild characteristics, ecology, habitat, and breeding. Dholes are very famous carnivorous animals that live in various parts of the Eurasian continent, including Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Indonesia, Russia, and China.

What is a Dhole (Red Wolf)? Basic Stats

The Dhole (red wolf) is a carnivorous animal classified in the Mammalia, Carnivora, Canidae, Dhole genus. Its scientific name is Cuon alpinus, and its English names are Dhole, Asian wild dog, and Indian wild dog, written in kanji as 豺. Its body length is 70–110cm, its weight is 10–20kg, and its tail length is 40–50cm. The list of information is as follows. There are subspecies such as the American red wolf.

Asian wild dog
Indian wild dog
scientific name(学名)Cuon alpinus
classification(分類)Mammalia、Carnivora、 Canidae、Cuon
Length(体長)70– 110cm
Weight(体重)10 – 20kg


Wild dholes are found in a fairly wide range of habitats, including Kazakhstan, Russia, China, and Southeast Asia, and there are records of their movements in Europe and Asia.

What are its characteristics? What kind of creature is it?

Dholes look like medium-sized wolves. They are often called red wolves because of their reddish-brown or yellowish-brown fur. Males are larger. Compared to wolves, dholes have short limbs, rounded ears, and thick, short snouts. Dholes can live in a variety of environments, including mountains, forests, and rocky areas. Dholes are mainly active during the day, but sometimes at night.

What is their personality like?

Dholes usually live in groups of several to 10 individuals, so they are very social and cooperative. Sometimes groups of about 50 individuals gather together. They sometimes cooperate to kill prey.

What is their ecology like?

Dholes are mostly carnivorous, and in addition to small animals, they can also kill bears in groups. They also eat reptiles, insects, and fruit. They reproduce viviparously. In India, they mate from September to November. They make their nests in natural terrain, such as between rocks. The gestation period is two months and they can give birth to one baby at a time. They nurse for two months and have a lifespan of about 10 years.

Do they have any natural predators?

Dholes’ natural predators include eagles and hawks.

Is the dhole (red wolf) an endangered species?

The dhole (red wolf) is designated as an endangered species. This is all due to humans, and the destruction of habitat is the biggest problem. Due to the decrease in forest areas, the number of individuals that can live is rapidly decreasing. In addition, because they attack humans and eat crops, they are often exterminated as pests, and their numbers are rapidly decreasing. Since the CITES came into effect in 1975, it has been listed in Appendix II of the CITES.

Can you keep a dhole (red wolf) as a pet?

The dhole (red wolf) is designated as an endangered species and is listed in the CITES, and international trade is restricted, so it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to keep it as a pet. See it at a zoo. Details can currently be found at the bottom of the webpage. Research on its behavior is also progressing.


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