What kind of animal is a pygmy marmoset? It is a very small-sized classification, and we will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. It is an extremely small monkey, and it is like a cute pet, so it can be said to be a very popular animal worldwide. You can see a lot of this animal in South America.
What is a pygmy marmoset? Basic stats
Pygmy marmosets are primates classified in the Mammalia order, Primates, Capuchin family, and Pygmy marmoset genus. Their scientific name is Pygmy Marmoset, and their English name is Pygmy Marmoset. They have a body length of 12-15cm, a weight of 100-150g, and a tail length of 17-22cm. A list of information is below. Images and photos can often be found on the internet.
Japanese(和名) | ピグミーマーモセット |
English(英名) | Pygmy Marmoset |
scientific name(学名) | Pygmy Marmoset |
classification(分類) | Mammalia、Carnivora、 Procyonidae、Nasua 哺乳綱、霊長目、オマキザル科、ピグミーマーモセット属 |
IUCN Status(保全状況) | LEAST CONCERN |
Length(体長) | 12~15cm |
Weight(体重) | 100~150g |
Pygmy marmosets are found in the Amazon Basin, including Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
What are their characteristics? What kind of creature are they?
Pygmy marmosets are extremely small, about the size of a squirrel or a mouse. They are known as one of the smallest primates in the world. Their fur is yellow or yellow-orange with black or gray, their hind legs are longer than their front legs, and their tail is a little longer than their body. Their claws are flat on the thumbs of their hind legs, but the rest are all hooked. They are able to easily attach to trees and climb them. Pygmy marmosets can be seen in forested areas.
What is their personality like?
Pygmy marmosets are active during the day, and are particularly active in the mornings and evenings, so they have a very active personality. They are also very social animals, forming groups of about 5 to 10 individuals and living around several trees.
What is their ecology?
Pygmy marmosets live by eating fruits, flowers, insects such as grasshoppers, frogs, lizards, spiders, sap, and resin. They are monogamous and have no set breeding season. They have a gestation period of 130 days and can give birth to one to four pups at a time. They are weaned for three months and reach sexual maturity in about one to one and a half years. They have a lifespan of about 18 years.
Do they have any natural predators?
Since pygmy marmosets live in trees, they are often attacked by birds of prey such as eagles and owls.

Are pygmy marmosets an endangered species?
Pygmy marmosets are classified as least concern and are not endangered. In some areas, their habitat has been greatly reduced due to the expansion of cultivated land.
Can you keep pygmy marmosets as pets?
Since pygmy marmosets live in groups, they are not very suitable for the general public, as they require multiple pets. You can see many of them in zoos in the Americas. Enjoy watching them.