What kind of animal is a pika? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat


What kind of animal is a pika? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. This rabbit is a very small animal and tends to be very wary, so it is difficult to see it because it often lives secretly in rocky places. I will explain what kind of animal it is.

What is a pika? About basic status

Pikas are animals classified in the order Lagomorpha (order Lagodonta) and the family Pikadae. The scientific name is Ochotona. The body length is only about 20 cm, and the weight is only around 200 g. The list of information is as follows.

scientific name(学名)Ochotona
classification(分類)Mammalia、  Lagomorpha、 Ochotonidae、Ochotona

About classification

Because pikas live in large numbers throughout Europe, Asia, and North America, there are many subspecies within the genus Pika. The following is a quote from Wikipedia. Pika lives in the north. Ochotona is a species that lives in the steppes. Conothoa is a species that lives in mountainous areas.

Scientific name – English Name – Japanese Name

  • Ochotona alpina Alpine Pika タカネナキウサギ
  • Ochotona argentata Silver Pika ギンナキウサギ
  • Ochotona collaris Collared Pika クビワナキウサギ
  • Ochotona hoffmanni Hoffmann’s Pika ホフマンナキウサギ
  • Ochotona hyperborea Northern Pika / Siberian Pika キタナキウサギ
  • O. h. yesoensis Japanese Pika エゾナキウサギ
  • Ochotona pallasi Pallas’s Pika アルタイナキウサギ
  • Ochotona princeps American Pika アメリカナキウサギ
  • Ochotona turuchanensis Turuchan Pika トゥルチャンナキウサギ
  • Ochotona cansus Gansu Pika / Gray Pika カンシュクナキウサギ
  • Ochotona curzoniae Plateau Pika / Black-lipped Pika クチグロナキウサギ
  • Ochotona dauurica Daurian Pika ダウリアナキウサギ
  • Ochotona huangensis Tsing-ling Pika チンリンナキウサギ
  • Ochotona nubrica Nubra Pika ヌブラナキウサギ
  • Ochotona pusilla Steppe Pika ステップナキウサギ
  • Ochotona rufescens Afghan Pika アフガンナキウサギ
  • Ochotona thibetana Moupin Pika チベットナキウサギ
  • Ochotona thomasi Thomas’s Pika トマスナキウサギ
  • Ochotona erythrotis Chinese Red Pika チュウゴクナキウサギ
  • Ochotona forresti Forrest’s Pika フォレストナキウサギ
  • Ochotona gaoligongensis Gaoligong Pika ガオリゴンナキウサギ
  • Ochotona gloveri Glover’s Pika グローバーナキウサギ
  • Ochotona himalayana Himalayan Pika ヒマラヤナキウサギ
  • Ochotona iliensis Ili Pika イリナキウサギ[4]
  • Ochotona koslowi Kozlov’s Pika コズロフナキウサギ
  • Ochotona ladacensis Ladak Pika ラダックナキウサギ
  • Ochotona macrotis Large-eared Pika オオミミナキウサギ
  • Ochotona muliensis Muli Pika ムリナキウサギ
  • Ochotona nigritia Black Pika クロナキウサギ
  • Ochotona roylei Royle’s Pika ロイルナキウサギ
  • Ochotona rutila Turkestan Red Pika アカナキウサギ

About habitat

Pikas are found in areas from Europe to Asia and North America. They can also be seen in Hokkaido, Japan (they have been photographed near the Hidaka and Yubari mountains). Their cries and sounds can be heard in rocky areas at high altitudes. There are many different populations of them. These wild animals have beautiful fur and are also known as survivors of the ice age.

feature is? What kind of creature is it?

Pikas are small, large hamster-like animals with short limbs, round ears, and a short tail. They are mammals that prefer cold climates and live alone in fairly large territories on rocky areas of high mountains with crevices that serve as hiding places. This is because there are many predators. In warm climates, some species make burrows and live in them. Like rabbits, they defecate here and there after eating. Pikas are diurnal and are usually more active during the day.

What is your personality like?

Pikas have many predators, so they are very wary and nervous creatures and rarely show themselves in front of humans. They are very curious, but can also be described as quite cautious animals. They don’t make much noise and often live curled up in small holes or crevices on rocks. They can now be observed in the mountains.

What is the ecology like?

Pikas are herbivores, living off alpine plants, mice, flowers, and other plants. They mate during the breeding season from spring to summer. Pikas can give birth to five pups at a time. The gestation period is about 30 days. Pikas only live for about three years. Pikas do not hibernate, so they engage in “food storage” behavior, storing food from summer to winter.

Are there any natural enemies?

Pikas’ natural enemies are stoats, sables, and foxes. They also need to be careful of attacks from the sky by owls. Individual pikas often cooperate with each other and hide under rocks.

Is the pika an endangered species?

Many subspecies of the pika are classified as endangered species. This is because pikas are losing their habitat and becoming predated as humans continue to destroy their habitat. Conservation efforts are also underway.

Can pikas be kept?

Pikas are classified as an endangered species, so it is difficult to keep them in captivity. We recommend that you go to a zoo or other zoo to see them. Please stop taking things in nature.


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