What is the Malayan sun bear? Characteristics, ecology, and habitat


What kind of animal is the Malayan sun bear? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. It is the smallest of all bears, but it can be found in various parts of Asia. It is the least aggressive and dangerous to humans among all bears, so it is not very dangerous.

What is a Malayan sun bear? Basic stats

The Malayan sun bear is a carnivorous mammal classified in the order Carnivora, family Ursidae, genus Helarctos. Its English name is the Malayan sun bear, and its scientific name is Helarctos malayanus. Its body length is 1.2-1.5m, and its weight is 25-65kg. Its tail length is 3-7cm. The list of information is as follows.

English(英名)Malayan sun bear
scientific name(学名)Helarctos malayanus
classification(分類)Mammalia、Carnivora、 Ursidae、Helarctos 


The Malayan sun bear is a bear found in Asia.

What are their characteristics? What kind of creature are they?

The Malayan sun bear is covered with short, shiny black or dark brown hair. Its muzzle is gray-brown or yellowish brown, and it is the smallest of all bears. Its height is only 70cm, so it doesn’t look like a bear. It has five fingers on each leg and large, sharp claws on its palms. Malayan sun bears are primarily nocturnal animals, and they often sleep between trees during the day. They like lowland forests and mangrove forests.

What is their personality like?

Malayan sun bears tend to live alone, so they are very laid-back. However, they are the least aggressive of all bears, and some people keep them as pets.

What is their ecology like?

Malayan sun bears are omnivorous, and live on lizards, birds and their eggs, small mammals, and insects. They can breed all year round, and the gestation period is about 100 days. They can give birth to one baby at a time. They are nursed for about one to one and a half years and reach sexual maturity at three years. Their lifespan is 20 to 25 years.

Do they have any natural predators?

The natural predators of the Malayan sun bear are tigers, leopards, and clouded leopards.

Are Malayan sun bears an endangered species?

Malayan sun bears are designated as an endangered species. The main causes are deforestation and development, but poaching for food and herbal medicine is also a cause.

Can you keep a Malayan sun bear as a pet?

As Malayan sun bears are designated as an endangered species, ordinary people cannot keep them as pets. They are listed at the top of zoos and other places, so let’s take a look at males and females.


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