What kind of bird is the Beni-Matsuko? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. It is a sparrow-sized bird that can be found in Russia, the Korean peninsula, China, and Japan. As you can imagine from the name Beni, it is a very eye-catching bird with an overall red color.
What is the Red Grosbeak? Basic Stats
The Long-tailed Rosefinch is a bird of the order Passeriformes, family Fringillidae, and genus Uragus. Its kanji is 紅紗子, 鳥厥雀, and its English name is Long-tailed Rosefinch, and its scientific name is Uragus sibiricus. Its total length is 14-15cm, its wingspan is 20-21cm, and its weight is 14-18g. The list of information is as follows.
Japanese(和名) | ベニマシコ |
English(英名) | Long-tailed Rosefinch |
scientific name(学名) | Uragus sibiricus |
classification(分類) | Aves、 Passeriformes、 Fringillidae、Uragus 鳥綱、スズメ目、アトリ科、ベニマシコ属 |
IUCN Status(保全状況) | LEAST CONCERN |
Length(体長) | 14~15cm |
Weight(体重) | 14~18g |
The scarlet finches inhabit Japan, China, Kazakhstan, North Korea, South Korea, and Russia, and in Japan they breed as summer birds in Hokkaido and the Shimokita Peninsula of Aomori Prefecture before migrating south in the winter.
What are its characteristics? What kind of creature is it?
It is a very small bird, only the size of a sparrow. Its body is reddish all over, with a bright red underside and an even redder summer plumage. Unlike males, females have a calm coloring and stripes all over. Their wings and tail feathers are dark and blackish, with two white stripes on their wings. They make a chirping sound. They live in grasslands, marshes, and coastal scrub forests.
What is its ecology?
The Japanese bush warbler feeds on insects and seeds. It is monogamous and oviparous. Its nests are made of dead grass, bark, and fine roots, and it lays about three eggs at a time. The eggs hatch in about two weeks, and it is said that it lives for about five to ten years.
Does it have any natural enemies?
The Japanese bush warbler’s natural enemies are birds of prey such as crows and hawks.

Is the Red Grosbeak an endangered species?
The Red Grosbeak is classified as least concern and is not an endangered species. However, in Japan, it is on the Red List in Shiga and Saitama prefectures, and its population is on the decline.
Can the Red Grosbeak be kept as a pet?
The Red Grosbeak is managed by the Ministry of the Environment under the Wildlife Protection and Management Act, and feeding it is prohibited.