Are chinchillas annoying? Here’s why, what to be careful of when keeping them, and an explanation of their characteristics and personality


Are cute and popular chinchillas annoying to keep as pets? We will explain the reasons, benefits and precautions of keeping them, characteristics and personality. There are many opinions on the Internet that say that keeping them is too hard and tiring, or that it is too tough and impossible. Why is that? We will also explain the characteristics of this animal.

What is a chinchilla? What kind of animal is it?

Chinchillas are rodent mammals classified in the Rodentia family, Chinchilla genus. They are charming animals and more tsundere than you would think if you were to keep them as pets.

Where are they found?

Chinchillas live in Chile, South America. The name comes from the Chincha people, a local South American tribe that hunted chinchillas for food and fur. They are endemic to Chile and cannot be found anywhere else.


Body length 25-30cm. Tail length 17-18cm. Weight 420-700g. They are very small animals. Their fur is silver-gray and they have little body odor. They have almost no odor except for their urine, so they are easy to keep even for first-time pet owners. Chinchillas are nocturnal, so they are active from night to early morning. On the other hand, they often sleep during the daytime when humans are active. Because they make a small noise, families can keep them in rented apartments and condominiums.

Same as rodents

Chinchillas are rodents whose teeth continue to grow throughout their lives. If the roots of their teeth grow in an abnormal direction, you should take them to a veterinarian. Chinchillas are also very active, as they love exercise and sand bathing. Their hind legs are well developed and they can jump up to 60-70cm. They are also sensitive to temperature changes, so air conditioning and heating are essential.

About their ecology

Males, females and their children often gather on rocky areas in mountainous areas and live in groups. This is because there are natural enemies. The gestation period is 111 days, and they can give birth to 1-6 pups at a time. They live for 6 years in the wild and 15 years in captivity.

Endangered species

Chinchillas are endangered species. They are listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and international trade is restricted. Due to habitat destruction such as deforestation and the extremely high demand for them as pets, overhunting has progressed considerably.

Are chinchillas annoying? Why?

Are chinchillas annoying? This is a common opinion. What kind of personality do they have? We will summarize the bad posts and explain them in detail. If you are considering raising one, please refer to this. Owners often feel the following. They make noise in the room and are easily stressed.

They shed a lot of hair

Chinchillas have a lot of hair. About 100 hairs grow from one pore. Perhaps because of this, the amount of hair they shed is enormous. Therefore, they need to be cleaned thoroughly quite frequently. The shedding season is a big deal. In fact, in households with small children, there is a risk of allergies developing due to this. It is okay to spend a whole day with them and you can get fluffy, but there are also risks.

Chinchilla sand bathing

Chinchillas love sand bathing. They use very fine sand for sand bathing. Sand bathing helps to maintain an appropriate amount of lanolin, an oil that comes from the chinchilla’s sebaceous glands. After a sand bath, fine sand gets stuck in the chinchilla’s fur, making cleaning quite difficult. Also, because the sand is so small, it becomes like dust, and many people experience asthma and sneezing.

Lifestyles are complete opposites

Chinchillas are nocturnal, while humans are diurnal. This means that their lifestyles are completely different. They are particularly active at night, so they can be noisy, and those who are not used to raising them may have a hard time. They also make a little noise, so some people can’t sleep and spend their time walking around. They also don’t learn to use the toilet.

Chewing on things

Chinchillas are rodents, so their teeth continue to grow throughout their lives. Their biting power is also incredibly strong, so they often destroy things with one bite. This is because they have a habit of always having to gnaw because their teeth continue to grow. Because of this, they may chew on furniture and electrical cords and tear them off. There are many concerns, and if you are worried, you should keep an eye on them while you raise them.

Be careful when leaving them alone for long periods of time

Be careful when leaving them alone for long periods of time. Chinchillas need air conditioning and heating. Furthermore, as mentioned above, they can be destructive to the house, so they are more difficult to raise than dogs or cats. If you like traveling, you will need to be creative and leave them with a pet sitter. There is a lot of work involved, so caring for them is difficult.

How to care for your chinchilla and precautions

We will thoroughly explain how to care for your chinchilla and precautions. If your chinchilla becomes unwell, go to the hospital immediately. Although they look very cute, it is very difficult to start taking care of a living creature, so do your research before you consider it. Hamsters will dislike you at first, but if you take the time to get used to them, it will be easy to care for them, but it will be stressful until you start living with them.

Average price at pet shops

The average price at pet shops is about 30,000 to 50,000 yen. If you want a rare chinchilla such as “Violet” or “White”, it will cost you nearly 100,000 yen. If you want to buy a chinchilla, you can adopt one from a pet shop or zoo, or even apply for a foster parent recruitment notice.

Things you need

The following are the things you need. All of them are essential, so be sure to prepare them. There are many people who need to prepare them, and it is a big financial burden in your daily life. They can be noisy at night when they play, so there is a risk that you will not be able to sleep. Please prepare them well to relieve your anxiety. They will be wary until they get used to you by playing, so it is dangerous, so gradually close the distance.


A hospital is also essential. If any problems arise, a veterinarian is essential. Be careful as there are hospitals that do not treat rodents.

Temperature and humidity control

It is essential to control the temperature and humidity. The temperature that chinchillas find comfortable is 15℃ to 24℃, and the humidity is 30% to 40%. Air conditioning and heating are essential, so be sure to install them.


Chinchillas are kept in cages. Prepare a cage that is at least 60cm wide x 45cm deep x 70cm high. Prepare something that allows them to exercise.

Water feeder

Install a water feeder inside the cage as well. It is better to choose a hanging or fixed water feeder.

Nest box

Prepare a nest box for the chinchilla to sleep in. Choose one that is large enough for the chinchilla to enter and relax in. The sleeping area will get dirty easily, so clean it regularly.


In my experience with chinchillas, they basically cannot remember where the toilet is at all. Make sure they use the toilet inside the cage. People who work several jobs have a lot of work to do.

Sand bathing container

Chinchillas take sand baths every day, so a sand bathing container and sand are essential. Of course, fine sand for small animals is recommended.

Running wheel, chew stick

Be sure to put a running wheel in the cage. The same goes for chew sticks. Chinchillas love to chew. The act of “chewing” can sharpen and sharpen their teeth.

Carrying case

A carrying case is required when taking chinchillas to the vet or when moving. Purchase a carrying case for small animals or cats. Keep a distance until you can build a relationship of trust, and encourage them to enter the carrier.

Pet food

Feed them with grass (timothy or alfalfa) for pet food and rice, and pellets as a side dish. Give them timothy to prevent obesity, and alfalfa for chinchillas with small appetites such as children and seniors. The following article also introduces breeding equipment.


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