What kind of bird is the Little Ringed Plover? An explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Wild birds of Japan


What kind of bird is the little plover, a wild bird characterized by its yellow eye ring? We will explain its call, characteristics, ecology, and habitat. It is known as a migratory bird that breeds in Eurasia and spends the winter in Africa and southern Eurasia. It is a very cute little bird that is worth paying attention to.

What is Little Plover? Basic Stats

The little ringed plover is a bird of the Charadriiformes order, Charadriidae family, and Charadrius genus. Its kanji is Kochidori, its English is Little Ringed Plover, and its scientific name is Charadrius dubius. Its total length is 16cm, its wingspan is 35-38cm, and its weight is 35-40g. The list of information is as follows.

English(英名)Little ringed plover
scientific name(学名)Charadrius dubius
classification(分類)Aves、 Charadriiformes、 Charadriidae、Charadrius


The Little Plover breeds as a summer bird over a wide area of ​​the Eurasian continent, including Japan, in the summer, and migrates to southern Eurasia and further south, as well as the Philippines, New Guinea, and Africa in the winter to spend the winter.

What are its characteristics? What does it look like?

The little ringed plover, a yellow-legged species, is gray-brown on the back, white on the underside, and has a distinctive golden yellow eye ring around the eye. There is a black band around the chest, which is wider in males and thinner in females. Young birds are browner overall and do not have the black band on the forehead. They live in groups and inhabit coasts, midstream rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, rice fields, and farmland. When observed, they make a “piu piu” sound.

What is its ecology?

The little ringed plover feeds on insects and also on crustaceans such as crabs. They are monogamous and breed from April to July. Nests are built in shallow holes on gravel coasts and cultivated land. Females lay about 3 to 4 eggs, which are incubated by both sexes and hatch in a month. The chicks become independent after 8-25 days and reach sexual maturity after 1-2 years. They have a lifespan of 4-5 years.

Do they have any natural enemies?

The natural enemies of the little plover are birds of prey such as crows and hawks.

Are little-toed plovers an endangered species?

Little-toed plovers are classified as least concern and are not endangered. They are kept in zoos and other facilities and events are held, so look at the guides and take part in them.

Can little-toed plovers be kept as pets?

Little-toed plovers are managed by the Ministry of the Environment under the Wildlife Protection and Management Act and feeding them is prohibited.


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