What kind of animal is the Hanuman Langur? An explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat


What kind of animal is the Grey Langur? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. This animal is one of the animals that can be seen very widely in South Asia, such as Nepal and Sri Lanka. Its most distinctive feature is its slender body.

What is a Hanuman Langur? Basic Stats

The Hanuman langur is a primate classified in the Cercopithecidae family of the Primates order. Its English name is Hanuman langur, and its scientific name is Semnopithecus entellus. Its body length is 40-70cm, its tail length is 70-108cm, and its weight is 5.5-23kg. The list of information is as follows.

English(英名)Hanuman langur
scientific name(学名)Semnopithecus entellus
classification(分類)Mammalia、Primates、 Cercopithecoidea、Semnopithecus


Gray langurs are found in India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the People’s Republic of China and Nepal.

What are its characteristics? What kind of creature is it?

Hanuman langurs have long, slender limbs and gray or brownish gray fur. Their chins protrude, and the hair on the top of their heads extends from the center. Hanuman langurs are mainly seen near water in forested areas, but they can also be seen on rocky ground and are often spotted in residential areas. They are agile and good at climbing trees.

What is their personality like?

Hanuman langurs often live in large groups and are known to be very social. Not only that, but they can also coexist with other monkeys, making them very adaptable animals.

What is their ecology?

Hanuman langurs are herbivorous, living on young tree leaves, bark, fruits, and seeds. They reproduce viviparously and can give birth to one baby at a time. Females reach sexual maturity at 3 to 4 years and give birth at around 4.5 years old. Their lifespan is 20 to 30 years.

Do they have any natural enemies?

Tigers are natural enemies of the Hanuman langur.

Are Hanuman Langurs Endangered?

Hanuman Langurs are classified as least concern and are not endangered. In India, Hanuman Langurs are thought to be reminiscent of Hanuman (a god who appears in the Indian mythology Ramayana), and are well protected. Hanuman Langurs live in urban areas and temples without fear of humans, and sometimes steal food from private homes.

Can Hanuman Langurs be kept as pets?

Hanuman Langurs must live in groups, so multiple pets must be kept, and it is said that they are not very suitable for ordinary people to keep as pets. You can see many of them at the zoo. Enjoy watching them.


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