What kind of animal is a Guinea baboon? We will explain the characteristics, ecology, breeding, and habitat of this monkey. It is a small animal among baboons, so you can take pictures with it, and it mainly lives in Africa. The population of Guinea baboons is very low, and they are now designated as an endangered species.
What is a Guinea Baboon? Basic Stats
The Guinea Baboon belongs to the Mammalia class, Primates order, Capuchin family, and Pavoni genus. Its English name is Guinea Baboon, and its scientific name is Papio papio. Its body length is 45-80cm, and its weight is 13-26kg. Its tail length is 5-7cm. The list of information is as follows.
Japanese(和名) | ギニアヒヒ |
English(英名) | Guinea Baboon |
scientific name(学名) | Papio papio |
classification(分類) | Mammalia、Primates、 Cebidae、Papio 哺乳綱、霊長目、オマキザル科、ヒヒ属 |
IUCN Status(保全状況) | LEAST CONCERN |
Length(体長) | 45~80cm |
Weight(体重) | 13~26kg |
Guinea baboons are found in western Africa.
What are their characteristics? What kind of creatures are they?
Guinea baboons have brown, yellowish brown, or reddish brown fur, black faces, and small bodies. They have a mane-like shape around their heads and shoulders. Guinea baboons are active on the ground during the day and live in savannas, grasslands, and forest areas.
What are their personalities like?
Guinea baboons are highly social animals that often live in groups. They can form large groups and rest in large groups at night.
What is their ecology like?
Guinea baboons live by eating small animals and crustaceans such as crabs. They breed throughout the year and are said to be polygamous, with a gestation period of six months. They lactate for six months, and reach sexual maturity in males after 5 to 6 years and females after 4 to 5 years. They have a lifespan of about 20 to 30 years.
Do they have any natural enemies?
Guinea baboons’ natural enemies are lions and hyenas. When an enemy approaches, they scream loudly to warn others and help each other out.

Are Guinea baboons an endangered species?
Guinea baboons are designated as an endangered species due to habitat loss caused by development and other factors.
Can you keep Guinea baboons as pets?
Guinea baboons are designated as an endangered species, so the general public cannot keep them as pets. You can see them at zoos, etc.