South America


What kind of animal is a blue whale? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is a blue whale? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. It is said to be the largest whale among all whales, and is a marine mammal that takes advantage of its gigantic size to live in the sea. We will introduce its characteristics and habitat.

What kind of whale is a sperm whale? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of whale is a sperm whale? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. This whale is distributed all over the world from the North Pole to the Antarctic, and is a member of the whale family that can be seen in any ocean, but despite this, it is designated as an endangered species.

What kind of animal is a fox? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is a fox? We will introduce, disseminate and explain information about its characteristics, ecology and habitat on this page. There is probably no one who doesn't know about foxes. Foxes live on most continents, so they have a fairly wide distribution, but some subspecies are designated as endangered species and are in a dangerous situation.

What kind of animal is an alpaca? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is an alpaca? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. A member of the camel family that lives in South America, the animal is known for its thin, fluffy fur, making it a very popular animal in zoos around the world. Alpacas are highly prized all over the world for their wool-like wool.

What kind of animal is an armadillo? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is an armadillo? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. It is said to be the only mammal with a shell, making it a very rare animal. However, they have many subspecies, and many of these subspecies are endangered. The situation is extremely dangerous and requires protection.

What kind of animal is the capybara? An explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. An animal with a surprising side.

What kind of animal is a capybara? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Capybaras are so large and fat that they look like pigs, but they are actually different. It's actually a member of the rat family. They are widely active on the continent of South America, so they are one of the animals that are familiar to South Americans.

What kind of animal is the Andean cat? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is the Andean cat, a member of the Carnivora order, Felidae? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. This cat is distributed in Argentina, northern Chile, southern Peru, and Bolivia, but it is still a cat with many mysteries, and there are many things that need to be researched and renamed.

What kind of bird is a macaw? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat Animals in botanical gardens

What kind of bird is a macaw? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Macaws are famous birds that are widely distributed in Central and South America, the Caribbean, and even South America, and many households keep them as pets, but some subspecies are also designated as endangered species, and there is a possibility of extinction. is also suggested.

What kind of bird is a toucan? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of bird is a toucan? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. The most distinctive feature of this bird is its extremely large beak. They live in the tropical rainforests from the Caribbean Sea to the central and southern parts of South America, so I will explain their characteristics for your reference.

What kind of animal is a fur seal? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat

We will explain the characteristics, ecology, and habitat of fur seals. Fur seals consist of northern fur seals and southern fur seals, and are distributed all over the world. Fur seals are animals that you can definitely see in aquariums, but some of their subspecies are actually designated as endangered species.