South America


What kind of animal is the false killer whale? Explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Animals that can be seen in the sea

What kind of animal is the false killer whale? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. It is widely distributed in warm seas around the world and is the best-known whale in the world. It is also known as the killer whale, and its huge size is its biggest feature. However, it is actually designated as an endangered species.

What kind of animal is the Risso’s Dolphin? Explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Dolphins you can see at the aquarium.

What kind of animal is a Risso's Dolphin? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. This dolphin is a rare animal that is hard to see even in aquariums. It grows to a huge size of about 3m in length, so it is difficult to keep it as a pet, but it puts on a very flashy performance in dolphin shows.

What kind of animal is the spotted dolphin? An explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is the spotted dolphin? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. The spotted dolphin is not well known because there are very few of them. Although the population is now very stable, bycatch was a problem in the past, and it was suggested that it may become extinct.

What kind of animal is a capuchin monkey? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is a capuchin monkey? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. It is an animal that can be seen in Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname in South America, and although it is not very famous, it is an endangered species and is in a very critical situation.

What kind of animal is the Asian buffalo? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat Animals found in illustrated books and materials

What kind of animal is the Asian buffalo? You can also view free photos and images. We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Water buffalo are quite widely distributed in Southeast Asia, and their physical condition is over 2 meters, making them larger than humans. Many live in groups, making them quite an impressive companion.

What kind of bird is a duck? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat What kind of animal is it?

What kind of bird is a duck? We will explain the characteristics, ecology, and habitat of animals. Ducks are very famous birds that are bred all over the world. Biologically, they are considered the same species as mallards. So what are the characteristics of this very famous duck? I will summarize.

What kind of animal is an anteater? About characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is an anteater? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. A general term for animals belonging to the mammalian class Oligodontidae and the family Antidae. The species includes 3 genera and 4 species, including 1 species of Giant Anteater, 2 species of Coreanthus, and 1 species of Common Anteater, and they often live in the grasslands and forest areas of Central and South America.

What kind of animal is a porcupine? About characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is a porcupine? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Their bodies are covered with long needles with modified hairs, and the length of the needles is very long, making it difficult for carnivores. Although they are an animal with a very stable population, they can remain calm even in the presence of carnivorous animals, which makes them very pretentious.

What kind of animal is a sloth? About characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is a sloth? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Sloths are animals that live in Central and South America and are often seen in zoos. It is a cute animal whose slow movements and hair make you feel very relaxed, but some of its subspecies are classified as endangered species.

What kind of animal is a vicuña? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is a vicuña? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. They are camels that live in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, and Ecuador. We will explain in detail what characteristics and ecology they have.