North America

North America

What kind of animal is a raccoon? An explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is a raccoon? They have an image of being violent and causing damage, so we will explain their characteristics, personality, ecology, and habitat. Raccoons are native to North and Central America, and are a well-known animal with a very stable population. They are the most widely distributed species of animals in the genus Procyon.

What kind of animal is a right whale? An explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of whale is a right whale? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Right whales are characterized by their large heads, which are about one-third of their body length, among the large whales. We will explain about this whale, which lives in warm areas along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

What kind of animal is a coyote? An explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is a coyote? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Coyotes are widely distributed from the North American continent to the western part of Panama and are known as carnivores. Coyotes have adapted to a variety of environments and often appear in residential areas where humans live.

What kind of animal is a mini pig? Explaining its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Also introducing the differences between micro pigs and keeping them as pets.

What kind of animal is a mini pig? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. This pig is not a wild animal, but a species that has been bred for captivity. They love to dig in the soil with their noses and are very vocal, so if you are not careful when raising them, you will receive complaints if you do not choose the right place.

What kind of animal is the false killer whale? Explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Animals that can be seen in the sea

What kind of animal is the false killer whale? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. It is widely distributed in warm seas around the world and is the best-known whale in the world. It is also known as the killer whale, and its huge size is its biggest feature. However, it is actually designated as an endangered species.

What kind of animal is the Risso’s Dolphin? Explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Dolphins you can see at the aquarium.

What kind of animal is a Risso's Dolphin? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. This dolphin is a rare animal that is hard to see even in aquariums. It grows to a huge size of about 3m in length, so it is difficult to keep it as a pet, but it puts on a very flashy performance in dolphin shows.

What kind of animal is the spotted dolphin? An explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is the spotted dolphin? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. The spotted dolphin is not well known because there are very few of them. Although the population is now very stable, bycatch was a problem in the past, and it was suggested that it may become extinct.

What kind of bird is a mallard? Characteristics, ecology, and habitat of Japanese wild birds

What kind of bird is a mallard? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. The entire beak is pale yellow, which is its most distinguishing feature. Ducks are improved versions of mallards as poultry, so please refer to the article below as well, as you will see that they are very similar.

What kind of bird is a duck? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat What kind of animal is it?

What kind of bird is a duck? We will explain the characteristics, ecology, and habitat of animals. Ducks are very famous birds that are bred all over the world. Biologically, they are considered the same species as mallards. So what are the characteristics of this very famous duck? I will summarize.

What kind of bird is a golden eagle? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of bird is a golden eagle? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. The golden eagle is a very large bird that is also a predator. Due to its large body, it can expand its wings to an astonishing size. A summary of the characteristics and ecology of large birds.