

What kind of animal is a brown bear? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What kind of animal is the brown bear that lives in America, Europe, Hokkaido, etc.? We will introduce and explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Brown bears are widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere and live in a variety of natural environments. However, because they are larger than humans, they may attack humans, so you need to be careful.

What is European ground squirrel? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat

What is the European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus)? There are many photos and materials available online, but I will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. As the name suggests, the European ground squirrel is a squirrel that lives in Europe. However, it is designated as an endangered species. It is already confirmed to be extinct in most of Europe.

Explaining the characteristics, ecology, and habitat of the European mink

We will explain the characteristics, ecology, and habitat of the European mink (Mustela lutreola). The European mink used to be widespread throughout Europe, but their numbers have decreased considerably and the situation is critical. They are listed as an endangered species because their numbers have become so small.

What kind of animal is a bison? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, habitat, and lifespan

What kind of animal is a bison (American bison, European bison)? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, habitat, and lifespan. When it comes to bison, the most famous are the European bison and the American bison. However, in America, it was on the verge of extinction. I will also explain the background.

What kind of animal is a marmot? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, habitat, lifespan, and breeding

What kind of animal is a marmot? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, habitat, lifespan, and breeding. Marmots are very cute animals that are in demand as pets. There are many subspecies of marmots. We will introduce them all, so please use them as a reference.