What kind of animal is the bonobo? Explanation of its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Animals in books.


What kind of animal is the bonobo? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. The bonobo is a type of large ape, and like chimpanzees, its DNA is almost identical to that of humans. This animal, which lives in Africa, is actually designated as an endangered species, and there is a possibility that it may become extinct.

What is a bonobo? Basic stats

Bonobos are primates classified in the Mammalia, Primates, Hominidae, and Chimpanzee genus. Their English name is Bonobo or Pygmy chimpanzee, and their scientific name is Pan paniscus. Body length males are 73-83cm, females 70-76cm, weight males 42-46kg, females 25-48kg. They are more intelligent and human-like than other chimpanzees. Long-term research is currently underway. According to researchers’ observations, they are close to humans and look very similar to both men and women.

Pygmy chimpanzee
scientific name(学名)Pan paniscus
classification(分類)Mammalia、Primates、 Hominidae、Pan
Length(体長)70 – 80cm
Weight(体重)20 – 50kg


Its habitat is the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa.

What are their characteristics? What kind of creatures are they?

Bonobos are a type of large ape, and like chimpanzees, they share most of the same DNA as humans. Bonobos are almost the same size as chimpanzees, with small, rounded shoulders, long legs, and walk upright. The skin on their faces is black, but when females are in heat, their genital skin swells and turns pink. Compared to chimpanzees, their upper bodies are smaller and their brains are also smaller. Bonobos often live in forests, and are arboreal, often moving between trees using their long arms. They are diurnal, and at night they often make different sleeping places in the trees to rest each day.

What is their personality like?

Bonobos often live in groups, and are very social animals. Groups live within a home range of 22-58 square kilometers. Males tend to stay in the group they were born in, while females tend to move to another group. On the ground, they knuckle walk.

What is their ecology like?

Bonobos live on plant leaves, buds, herbs, fruits, honey, insects, earthworms, and small reptiles. They reproduce viviparously. The gestation period is nine months, with births spaced 4-6 years apart, and a nursing period of about 3 years. They reach puberty at 8-11 years of age. Their lifespan is about 30-50 years.

Do they have any natural enemies?

Bonobos have few natural enemies, but leopards and pythons sometimes prey on bonobo babies.

Are bonobos endangered?

Bonobos are designated as an endangered species, and according to records, there are only 10,000 to 20,000 left in the world. Most of the habitat of bonobos has been destroyed by human development, and hunting of bonobos is now prohibited by law. Conservation efforts are also progressing, and a non-profit organization in the Congo called “Friends of Bonobos” has been established.

Can bonobos be kept as pets?

Since bonobos are designated as an endangered species, it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to keep them as pets. We recommend visiting a zoo or other facility to see them. Individuals are only found and seen in the Congo, so they are not well recognized in society, but there are special individuals kept in zoos, so you can see them.


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