What kind of bird is the Humpback Curassow? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. The Humpback Curassow is a bird belonging to the order Phasianidae, and is found only in Colombia, so many people may not know about it. Furthermore, it is designated as an endangered species.
What is the Blue-capped Curassow? Basic Stats
The Blue-billed Curassow is a bird in the Crax genus, Crax family, and Crax order. Its scientific name is Crax alberti, and its English name is Albert’s curassow or Blue-billed curassow. Its kanji is 青む帆刊鳥. Its total length is 82.5-92.5cm. Its wingspan is 37.5-42.4cm for males and 36.2-38.2cm for females. The complete list of information is as follows:
Japanese(和名) | アオコブホウカンチョウ |
English(英名) | Albert’s curassow Blue-billed curassow Blue-knobbed Curassow |
scientific name(学名) | Crax alberti |
classification(分類) | Aves、 Gruiformes、 Cracidae、Crax 鳥綱、キジ目、ホウカンチョウ科、ホウカンチョウ属 |
Length(体長) | 82.5-92.5cm |
Weight(体重) | 3.2~3.6kg |
The blue-and-white curassow is endemic to Colombia.
What are its characteristics? What does it look like?
The bill of the Humpback Curassowski has a yellowish color. The male’s abdomen and the underside of the tail feathers are covered with white feathers, while the female’s upper side has white horizontal stripes and the abdomen and lower tail feathers are covered with reddish-brown feathers. The tip of the tail feathers is white, and the male has a blue hump at the base of the bill. The Humpback Curassowski lives in forests, wetlands, and tropical rainforests in lowlands and low mountains below 1,200 meters above sea level.
What is its ecology?
The Humpback Curassowski feeds on the ground, eating fallen fruit, nuts, and insects. It breeds monogamously from December to April of the following year. Females usually lay two eggs. It is said that it lives for about 20 to 25 years.
Does it have any natural enemies?
The Humpback Curassowski has no significant natural enemies.

Is the Knobbed Curassowicz an endangered species?
The Knobbed Curassowicz is designated as an endangered species (Red List). It is also listed in Appendix III of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and international trade is strictly restricted. The population has drastically decreased due to habitat destruction caused by development and overhunting. Attempts are being made to breed the species in protected areas and at some zoos. It has been pointed out that the species will become extinct within 100 years if things continue as they are, and the situation is critical.
Can the Knobbed Curassowicz be kept as a pet?
As mentioned above, it is designated as an endangered species and is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), so it is extremely difficult for the general public to obtain one. You can view them at zoos, etc.