What kind of animal is a black bear? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat Distributed in many countries


What kind of animal is a black bear? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Asiatic black bears are mainly found in Asia and have a very wide distribution, but their population is not stable and they are designated as an endangered species. I’ll give you an explanation.

What is Asiatic black bear? About basic status

Asiatic black bears are carnivores classified in the class Mammalia, carnivora, family Bear, genus Bear. The scientific name is Ursus thibetanus and the kanji is tsukiwakuma. Also known as the Asian black bear or the Himalayan bear. A list of basic information is below. The body length is 120-180cm and the weight is 50-120kg. Tail length 6 – 10.5cm.

English(英名)Asian black bear/Asiatic black bear/Himalayan black bear/Moon bear
scientific name(学名)Ursus thibetanus
classification(分類)Mammalia、Carnivora、 Ursidae、Ursus
Length(体長)120 – 180cm
Weight(体重)50 – 120kg

About classification

Asiatic black bears are classified into the following subspecies.

  • Ursus thibetanus thibetanus – チベットツキノワグマ
  • Ursus thibetanus formosanus – タイワンツキノワグマ
  • Ursus thibetanus gedrosianus – バロチスタンツキノワグマ
  • Ursus thibetanus japonicus – ニホンツキノワグマ
  • Ursus thibetanus laniger – ヒマラヤツキノワグマ
  • Ursus thibetanus mupinensis – シセンツキノワグマ
  • Ursus thibetanus ussuricus – ウスリーツキノワグマ

About habitat

Its habitat is mainly Asia. It is distributed in India, Japan, China, Taiwan, and even Pakistan and Iran. Individual Asian black bears and brown bears often appear in the high mountains and forests where humans are active. Please note that the number of countries where hunting is prohibited is increasing.

feature is? What kind of creature is it?

Asiatic black bears have black fur all over their bodies. Its most distinctive feature is the crescent-shaped or V-shaped white markings on its chest. Their eyes and ears are small, and they live mainly in forests, often moving to lower elevations during the winter. They also have a strong tendency to hibernate during the winter. They have no exclusive territory and can move around freely.

What is your personality like?

Asiatic black bears have a fear of humans and are very timid and cautious. Therefore, they do not often attack humans.

What is the ecology like?

Asiatic black bears subsist on the fruits and buds of plants such as acorns and beech, small vertebrates, insects, invertebrates, and animal carcasses. The mode of reproduction is viviparous. The population breeds from June to October. They give birth to two young, and the lactation period is about 3 months. Lifespan is about 20 years.

Are there any natural enemies?

Asiatic black bears are one of the largest mammals, so they have no natural enemies.

Is the Asian black bear an endangered species?

Asiatic black bears are animals that are easily hunted or retaliated against by humans because they can cause direct damage to crops, beekeeping, and humans themselves, and because their gallbladders are used for medicinal purposes. The subspecies Balochistan black bear is listed on CITES Appendix I. Japanese black bears are on the decline, and may even become extinct in some areas. In Japan, if you check the research materials, it seems that the number of consultations about encounters with bears is increasing.

Can Asiatic black bears be kept as pets?

Asian black bears are not suitable as pets. It is not suitable for amateurs as it can cause harm to surrounding humans and livestock. Events are held at the zoo, and you can often see them with a guide. Check out the latest information about the zoo on the site map from the menu on the homepage.


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