Explaining the characteristics, ecology, and habitat of the Asian elephant Why is it an endangered species? Elephants you can see at the zoo


We will explain the characteristics, ecology, and habitat of the Asian elephant. Individuals are currently at risk of extinction due to savannah and deforestation. Asian elephants live in a region from Southeast Asia to South Asia, and there are many subspecies. In southern Asia, wild elephants have been domesticated since ancient times and used for transporting goods and for festivals, so they are very familiar to human life.

Basic information about Asian elephants

The Asian elephant is an elephant classified as a genus of Elephantidae in the family Elephantidae. The scientific name is Elephas maximus. It is one of the largest land animals in the world, weighing up to 7 tons. It is a very large animal, with a body length of 5-6 meters. There are subspecies of the Ceylon elephant, Sumatran elephant, Indian elephant, and Bornean elephant. A famous animal both in Japan and around the world.

English(英名)Asian Elephant
scientific name(学名)Elephas maximus
Height(身長)5 – 6.5m

What will happen to the classification?

It has been revealed that the two existing elephant species, the African elephant and the Asian elephant, diverged genetically about 7.6 million years ago. It has since been revealed that African elephants and forest elephants diverged genetically at least 1.9 million years ago. Therefore, there are currently three types of elephants, and the African elephant is one of them.

academic name
body length
African elephant
Loxodonta africana6〜7.5m~7.5tSouth of the Sahara Desert
Asian elephant
Elephas maximus5〜6.4m~5.4tSoutheast Asia、South Asia
African forest elephant
Loxodonta cyclotis4〜6m2.7〜6tWest Africa

About the habitat of Asian elephants

The distribution of Asian elephants is Southeast Asia and South Asia. Asian elephants are very fond of forest areas in tropical regions.

feature is? What kind of creature is it?

Asian elephants are characterized by the fact that the wrinkles on their trunks are not very prominent. Also, compared to African elephants, there is a difference here in that the auricles are not large. The tip of the snout has one protrusion at the top, the front legs have five hooves, and the hind legs have four hooves. Basically, Asian elephants wander in search of food, but they only travel up to about 30km.

What will your personality look like?

Asian elephants have extremely high cognitive abilities and will greet people who treat them kindly, and will attack people who treat them maliciously. Therefore, their cognitive abilities are extremely high, and can be said to be at a level that is not much different from humans.

What is the ecology of Asian elephants?

Asian elephants drink 100 – 300 liters of water per day and eat large amounts of fruits and plants. The reproductive form is viviparous. Males fight over females that are in heat, and the gestation period is about 660 days. They give birth to one cub at a time, and the lactation period is about two years. The lifespan is said to be 60 to 80 years.

What are the natural enemies of Asian elephants?

The Asian elephant has no natural enemies. African elephants are very strong animals and can lift up to 350 kilograms. Therefore, only people with weapons can defeat them.

There are subspecies of Asian elephants.

Did you know that there are subspecies of Asian elephants? The following variants exist: I will introduce each of them. We will briefly explain the situation of Sri Lankan elephants, Indian elephants, Sumatran elephants, and Borneo elephants. As is often reported in the news, herds are in critical condition due to deforestation. Their tusks are being targeted, and their way of life in nature is threatened.

Name:名前scientific name:学名Habit:生息地
Sri Lankan elephant
Elephas maximus maximusSri Lanka
Indian elephant
Elephas maximus indicusIndia
Sumatran elephant
Elephas maximus sumatranusIndonesia
Borneo elephant
Elephas maximus borneensisIndonesia、Malaysia

sri lanka elephant

The Sri Lankan elephant is an elephant native to Sri Lanka. At the shoulder height he is the largest subspecies reaching 2-3.5 m and weighs 2,000-5,500 kg. The skin is dark with large, distinct patches of depigmentation on the ears, face, trunk, and abdomen. Many elephants died during the Sri Lankan civil war. Furthermore, from 1999 to 2006, nearly 100 wild elephants were killed every year to protect crops and homes, and the elephants are on the verge of extinction.

indian elephant

Indian elephants live mostly in India, and are approximately 3.2 m tall at the shoulder and weigh up to 5,400 kg. The elephant is characterized by a concave forehead, his two large ears that are folded to the side, and smooth gray skin. Wild populations have declined by at least 50% and require urgent conservation.

sumatran elephant

The Sumatran elephant is native to the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Its most distinctive feature is that it has a single finger-like protrusion at the tip of its body. The Sumatran elephant’s shoulder height is 2-3.2 m, its weight is 2,000-4,000 kg, and its skin color is lighter than that of Sri Lankan and Indian elephants. 69% of Sumatran elephant habitat has been lost due to rapid land development, and incidents of elephants entering residential areas and being electrocuted or poisoned are rapidly increasing.

borneo elephant

The Borneo elephant, also known as the Bornean elephant or Borneo pygmy elephant, is a subspecies of Asian elephant that lives in Indonesia and Malaysia, northeastern Borneo. His personality is surprisingly quiet and passive. It is somewhat smaller than the Asian elephants. With rapid land development, food shortages are becoming more serious, and their numbers are declining.

Is the Asian elephant an endangered species?

The estimated population of Asian elephants is less than 50,000. Unfortunately, it has been designated as an endangered species by the IUCN and is also listed in Appendix I of the Washington Convention, which places strong restrictions on international trade. Why have African elephants been designated as an endangered species? Let me explain why. It turns out that the problem is caused by us humans. For this reason, various projects and activities such as forest protection are currently underway.

Overhunting for ivory continues

Ivory is the reason why wild elephants have been overhunted in large numbers by humans. Ivory is a beautiful material and is highly sought after in the arts, crafts, and manufacturing industries, and sells for a high price. In some regions, illegal poaching and overhunting of living creatures has progressed in society without laws, and elephants are being killed one after another by humans.

Rapid progress in land development

Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Africa are all experiencing rapid economic development and land development. As I explained above, elephants eat large amounts of grass, so if there are no trees left in any place, it means that they will no longer be able to reproduce and survive.

Elephant Day is set

“World Elephant Day” was established on August 12, 2012 by Canadian film director Patricia Sims and a Thai conservation organization to call for the protection of elephants around the world. The purpose is to overcome the threat of extinction by collecting donations and exchanging information from friends to protect the species. We are currently asking for help to protect the declining population of elephants.

Can elephants be kept?

Can elephants be kept? It’s very difficult. First of all, all elephants are endangered species and are strictly protected. It is also wise to keep in mind that it is extremely difficult for the average person to raise them as they require a large amount of food. It is best to see them at a zoo or at a local national park.


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