What kind of animal is Lycaon? Detailed explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat


What kind of animal is Lycaon? We will explain in detail its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. It is the largest dog found in Africa and has a very sturdy appearance, giving it a very scary impression. However, it is listed as an endangered species.

What is Lycaon? About basic status

Lycaon is a carnivorous animal classified in the genus Lycaon, order Carnivora, family Canidae, class Mammalia. This species alone constitutes the genus Lycaon. The scientific name is Lycaon pictus. The body length is 76-112cm and the weight is 17-36kg. Males are larger than females. The genus name Lycaon means “wolf”. Shoulder height: 60-78cm, tail length: 30-41cm. Below is a list of basic information.

English(英名)African hunting dog/African wild dog/Lycaon/Cape hunting dog
scientific name(学名)Lycaon pictus
classification(分類)Mammalia、 Carnivora、Canidae、Lycaon 
Length(体長)76 – 112cm
Weight(体重)17 – 36kg

About classification

Lycaon is the only species that constitutes the genus Lycaon.

About habitat

The Lycaon is the largest dog found in Africa. It mainly lives in South Africa.

feature is? What kind of creature is it?

Lycaon’s ears are rounded and large. The auricle has the effect of regulating body temperature. The canine teeth and fourth molars are developed into knife-like shapes and are specialized for eating meat. The body hair is short and coarse, and the coat color is white, black, gray, or brown. Lycaons mainly live in open areas such as grasslands and savannahs, and are mainly active during the day. They form groups of about 7 to 15 individuals called packs to capture prey.

What is your personality like?

Lycaons are very social animals and excel at teamwork. Because they are cooperative, there is a strong sense of camaraderie. It is an animal that is thought to have a very strong bond with them.

What is the ecology like?

Lycaon hunts and eats antelopes such as kazel and impala. They also catch and eat black-tailed wildebeest. They usually hunt in groups. The success rate of hunting is said to be high, at over 60%. Breeding occurs from April to July, and the gestation period is 60 to 80 days. They reach sexual maturity in one to one and a half years, and have a lifespan of about 11 years before leaving the nest.

Are there any natural enemies?

Lycaon has no particular natural enemies. Even against lions, multiple lions may jump at you. Together, we will take action and defeat wild carnivores such as hyenas and cheetahs. In social life, the members of each individual cooperate with each other.

Is Lycaon an endangered species?

The Lycaon is listed as an endangered species. It used to be widely distributed south of the Sahara Desert, excluding deserts and jungle areas, but its distribution has become much narrower. It is already extinct in large parts of North and West Africa.

exterminated as a pest

Because Lycaons attack livestock, farmers take revenge and many are killed. Eradication is progressing through traffic accidents, shooting, traps, and poison. Their numbers are also declining significantly in Central Africa and Northeast Africa.

Can Lycaons be bred?

Lycaons are not suitable for breeding. It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to keep them as they also attack livestock. It is preferable to watch it at a zoo.


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