Will you regret owning a Mame Shiba? Here’s why: Explaining the dog’s characteristics, personality, and key points about raising it


Will you regret owning a Mameshiba? This article explains the reasons, the dog’s characteristics, personality, and how to raise it as a family. Mameshiba, a Japanese Shiba Inu, is kept by many people, especially Japanese people. In recent years, small Mameshiba have become popular and many people keep them, but some people regret it. We will give a detailed explanation.

What kind of dog is a Shiba Inu (Mameshiba)?

So what kind of dog is a Shiba Inu? We will explain the details together with the Mameshiba. Check it out when you have time. It will be helpful to think about whether it is difficult for a family to raise such an animal at home. Think about whether you can take care of it until the end.

About the history

In 1930, the Shiba Inu was born from the Iwami dog, an ancient Japanese breed, in Futagawa Village, Shimane Prefecture. The Shiba Inu, the most popular Japanese dog, has lived with humans for a long time, but there is a small-sized dog among the Shiba Inu, and the Mameshiba was developed by crossing two small Shiba Inu together. Since 2008, the NPO Japan Social Welfare Dog Association has officially recognized the Mameshiba Inu, and since 2018, the Japan Mameshiba Inu Association, a general incorporated association, has officially recognized the Mameshiba Inu.

About the characteristics

The Mameshiba is a dog native to Japan, and is resistant to seasonal changes, small but sturdy. It is popular because it is a healthy dog ​​with large bones and does not easily get sick, so it is easy to care for. It also weighs about 4 to 6 kg even when it becomes an adult, so it is said to be easy to keep for people living alone or in apartment buildings. In addition, because it has a double coat, it sheds a lot of hair, so brushing is essential once or twice a week. It grows from a child to an adult quickly, taking six months to a year.

About personality

Mameshiba is a loyal dog. Of course, it values ​​the master-servant relationship, so it is a dog that can be a lifelong partner. As it is called a guard dog, it is also very cautious and nervous. Also, depending on the season, its desires may increase and it may ask for a lot of dog food. The average lifespan of a Mameshiba is said to be 12 to 15 years, which is a little shorter than that of a normal Shiba Inu.

Recommended for beginners

The Mameshiba is always recommended for those who want to start raising them at home. They are very gentle, so you can continue to buy them while studying every day. They are just the right size, and there are many pet owners among friends and neighbors, so you can raise them while getting advice. The owners of my house have fun exercising together. They are perfect for those who want to put in serious effort and raise them. Try raising them from young ones.

A popular dog breed in Japan

A popular dog breed in Japan, it is just as popular as the toy poodle. It is said to have a short lifespan and is said to be pitiful, but its kind eyes are still attractive. If you think it is cute, but are worried, look at the photos or images later. If you feel like it, there are many different Shiba Inu for sale. They are constantly changing and being sold every day, so take a look at the store. Please take good care of them responsibly. Even if you love them, if you are worried about the cost, please play with them at a cafe or somewhere else.

Will you regret getting a Mame Shiba? Why?

Will you regret getting a Mame Shiba? Why? I will explain the reasons below, so I hope you will find them useful. You can also see the scenery of homes where people have adopted them in Youtube videos, posts, and images. Look at the content and consider whether they will like it and get used to it. Looking at reviews, there are many opinions that say it was good and many opinions that say it is stressful indoors. It really depends on the place and environment.

Not suitable for beginners

Shiba Inu is a breed of dog that is very wary and stubborn, so it is not easy to train and is not very suitable for beginners. Many dogs have a personality that wants to keep their distance from people, and they are not very suitable for multi-pet keeping, and there are frequent cases where they become unmanageable due to lack of knowledge of training. In fact, Shiba Inu is the breed with the largest number of Shiba Inu at public health centers.

Tends to bark at people and dogs

Shiba Inu lineages are known to be very wary. Originally used as hunting dogs, this breed is prone to wild instincts. Barking can easily become a problem in apartments, and can be a nuisance to neighbors. They often bark unnecessarily. If they keep barking, you may have to buy soundproofing products or give up completely.

Stubborn and stop moving

As explained above, Shiba Inu dogs are somewhat stubborn. That’s why they may suddenly stop walking while out for a walk. They have a stubborn side due to their strong self-assertiveness, and they have a side to them that doesn’t listen to their owners.

Very high exercise

Shiba Inu dogs are very high exercise. Currently, they need to be walked twice a day, every day. In addition to that, they also need to run and play chasing balls. Therefore, they are not very suitable for indoor people.

Shedding a lot

Shiba Inu dogs have a double-layered coat called a double coat, and they shed a lot of hair. During the shedding season, frequent cleaning is essential. The hair will get on your clothes and fall onto the floor, so you will definitely have to clean more frequently. Trimming and shampooing are also important in care. You will definitely need to check on them every day when eating and living together.

Many diseases

The average lifespan of a Shiba Inu is 14.8 years. Among the diseases that Shiba Inu suffer from during their long lives, allergic dermatitis, dermatitis, and itching are the top diseases. In recent years, immortality has progressed, and the risk of dementia is also increasing, including in humans. Just as humans are said to live for more than 100 years, more and more Shiba Inu live for more than 20 years. Recently, some people leave their dogs with pet sitters to go on trips, but care is still necessary.

How to raise a Mameshiba

We will explain how to raise a Mameshiba. Please pay attention to the following points and the list when raising it. If you do not have the knowledge, you will need to take it to a veterinary clinic when symptoms occur.

What is the selling price?

Mameshiba can be purchased for about 100,000 to 300,000 yen in Japanese yen. Generally, Mameshiba are mainly purchased at pet shops, adopted by zoos and animal protection centers. If you are going to adopt one, you should first look around. Many Mameshiba are not familiar with the breed due to their age. If you are looking for a new Mameshiba, it is good to have a smart Mameshiba that you can show affection to.

Be careful of changes in emotions

Mameshiba are very quiet, but their emotions change very drastically, so everyone will be surprised at first. Once they get used to it, they will no longer be surprised in life, but it will be difficult to get there. You also need to be prepared to watch it until the end with them in your room. Basically, it takes a lot of effort, but it is cute, so there are benefits.

Necessary equipment to raise

The necessary equipment to raise them is the same as for ordinary cats. All you need is a carrier bag, pet food, air conditioning, a toilet, a cage, a harness, toys, etc. The following article introduces pet care equipment, so please take a look.


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