What kind of animal is a blue whale? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat


What kind of animal is a blue whale? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. It is said to be the largest whale among all whales, and is a marine mammal that takes advantage of its gigantic size to live in the sea. We will introduce its characteristics and habitat.

What is a blue whale? About basic status

Blue whales are marine mammals classified in the order Mammalia, order Artiodactyla, family Finidae. The scientific name is Balaenoptera musculus and the kanji is White Nagasu whale. The total length (body length) is 20 – 26 m, and the weight is 80 – 199 tons. A list of basic information is below. It is the world’s largest marine creature that lives on Earth, and if it grows, it will be extremely large.

English(英名)Blue whale
scientific name(学名)Balaenoptera musculus
classification(分類)Mammalia、Artiodactyla/Cetartiodactyla、 Balaenopteridae、Balaenoptera
Length(体長)20 – 26m
Weight(体重)80 – 199t

About classification

There are 4 subspecies.

  • Balaenoptera musculus musculus キタシロナガス Northern blue whale
  • Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda ピグミーシロナガス Pygmy blue whale
  • Balaenoptera musculus indica Northern Indian Ocean blue whale
  • Balaenoptera musculus intermedia ミナミシロナガス Antarctic blue whale

About habitat

Blue whales migrate throughout the world’s oceans.

feature is? What kind of creature is it?

The blue whale is the largest living vertebrate species. The body has an elongated shape, and the dorsal side is gray-blue in various colors. The ventral side is slightly brighter in color, and in adults, females are slightly larger than males. It has a streamlined body, long thin pectoral fins, and a thin tail fin that spreads out from the side. Blue whales don’t stay in one place; they move around the world’s oceans. In summer, they appear in the Arctic and Antarctic oceans, where krill are abundant, and in winter, they appear in tropical and subtropical oceans to raise their young in warm waters.

What is your personality like?

Blue whales are docile and do not attack other creatures other than to eat. ​

What is the ecology like?

Blue whales live on a diet of zooplankton called krill and crustaceans. They generally travel alone or in small groups, except during the breeding and rearing seasons. The mode of reproduction is viviparous. They mate in the winter. The gestation period is 12 months. They give birth to one young at a time. Sexual maturity occurs between 8 and 10 years of age. Their lifespan is said to be over 100 years, and some have lived as long as 120 years.

Are there any natural enemies?

Blue whales have a natural enemy called killer whales.

Is the blue whale an endangered species?

The blue whale is an endangered species listed as EN (Endangered) on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List. The estimated population is around 5,000 to 15,000 individuals. The problem was that because their blubber could be used as fuel, they were over-hunted along with humpback whales and baleen whales. Hunting was prohibited under the International Whaling Convention in 1966. Now, that number is on the rise.

Can blue whales be kept in captivity?

Blue whales are not suitable for captivity. It is a very large animal, so we recommend that you admire it.


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