What kind of bird is Blakiston’s Fish Owl? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat


What kind of bird is Blakiston’s Fish Owl? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. This bird is a member of the owl family that lives mainly in Japan, but can also be seen in parts of China and the Korean Peninsula. However, this species is actually designated as an endangered species, suggesting the possibility of extinction.

What is Blakiston’s Fish Owl? About basic status

The cheetah is a bird that belongs to the genus Bubo and the family Strigidae. It is one of the largest owls in Japan, with a total length of 66-69cm and a wingspan of 180cm. Its Japanese name is Shima-fukuro (island owl), and its scientific name is Bubo blakistoni. The information is as follows. Its body is more distinctive than its feathers. Its plump body is its characteristic.

English(英名)Blakiston’s Fish-owl
scientific name(学名)Bubo blakistoni
classification(分類)Ave、 Strigiformes、 Strigidae、Buho
Length(体長)66 – 69cm
Weight(体重)3 – 4kg

About classification

The Blakiston’s Fish Owl is a type of owl. There are the following subspecies. We will investigate and introduce the major representative species. In the wild, both males and females are animals that behave individually.

Bubo blakistoni blakistoni

Bubo blakistoni blakistoni is an owl that lives from Hokkaido in Japan to the Kuril Islands. There have been no records of this species on Sakhalin since 1974, suggesting that it may already be extinct.

Bubo blakistoni doerriesi

Bubo blakistoni doerriesi is a member of the owl family that can be seen from China to Mongolia and even the Korean Peninsula. It may also live in southeastern Russia.

Where is its habitat?

As explained above, Blakiston’s Blakiston’s Fish Owl can be seen mainly in Hokkaido, Japan, but also in the Korean Peninsula, China, and Russia. It is distributed in natural places such as forests.

feature is? What kind of creature is it?

The Blakiston’s Blakiston’s fish owl is characterized by its long, wide, ear-shaped feathers on its head. It is also easily recognizable as it is one of the largest owls that can be seen in Japan. The plumage of the whole body is gray-brown, with black-brown vertical stripes and thin horizontal stripes, making it relatively easy to identify. Its main habitat is deciduous forests and it is nocturnal. They also tend to be sedentary rather than migratory birds.

What is the ecology like?

Blakiston’s Blakiston’s fish owl mainly eats small animals as its staple food. Other fish are often found feeding mainly in shallow waters. They nest and live mainly in tree cavities, large trees, and rock ledges on cliffs. They lay one or two eggs in February or March, and the female takes care of them. Their lifespan is said to be around 30 to 40 years.

Are there any natural enemies?

Crows are the natural enemies of fish owls. In others, they are still human. Environmental destruction is the biggest risk.

Is the fish owl an endangered species?

Unfortunately, Blakiston’s Fish Owl is an endangered species and is listed on the Red List. Furthermore, it is listed in Appendix II of the Washington Convention, and international trade is strictly restricted. Of course, the biggest threat is humans, and their population is decreasing due to the following reasons: It is estimated that there are only a few thousand individuals.

habitat destruction

Habitat destruction by humans is the biggest threat. Due to a wide variety of causes of death, including water pollution, competition with fishing industries, and traffic accidents, owls are losing their homes year after year. Furthermore, there are areas where they are consumed as food, and hunting is also a problem. It was designated as a national natural monument by the Japanese government’s Ministry of the Environment in 1971, and as a rare wild animal species in 1993. Currently, conservation activities and support have begun as a business. Research business plans are also progressing.

Can Blakiston’s Fish Owl be bred?

Unfortunately, the Blakiston’s Blakiston’s fish owl is designated as an endangered species, so it cannot be kept in captivity due to its small population. Let’s enjoy it at the zoo.


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