Explaining the characteristics, ecology, and habitat of the Arctic fox Famous animals


We will explain the characteristics, ecology, and habitat of the arctic fox. Among foxes, it is by far the most resistant to cold, and even in the -70°C world of the Arctic, it only gets a little cold. It is an animal that gives the impression of being quite beautiful due to its beautiful pure white and fluffy fur, but its numbers are decreasing and it is in a dangerous situation.

What is an arctic fox? About basic status

The arctic fox is an animal classified as a mammal, in the order Felidae and the family Canidae. The scientific name is Vulpus lagopus. Body length 46–68 cm, tail length 26–42 cm. Weight is 2.5-8kg. Among mammals, foxes live in the arctic tundra climate of areas such as Finland and Canada. It has considerable strength in the natural world.

English(英名)Arctic Fox 
scientific name(学名)Vulpus lagopus 
classification(分類)Mammalia、 Carnivora、Canidae、Vulpes

About classification

According to Wikipedia, there are subspecies of arctic fox. The following subspecies are distributed mainly in the Arctic Circle.

  • ベーリング島ホッキョクギツネ(Vulpus lagopus beringensis
  • アイスランドホッキョクギツネ(Vulpus lagopus fuliginosus
  • グリーンランドホッキョクギツネ(Vulpus lagopus groenlandicus
  • ホール島ホッキョクギツネ(Vulpus lagopus hallensis
  • バロー岬ホッキョクギツネ(Vulpus lagopus innuitus
  • プリビロフ諸島ホッキョクギツネ(Vulpus lagopus pribilofensis
  • メードヌイ島ホッキョクギツネ(Vulpus lagopus semenovi
  • シベリアホッキョクギツネ(Vulpus lagopus sibiricus
  • スヴァールバル諸島ホッキョクギツネ(Vulpus lagopus spitzbergensis
  • アンガヴァホッキョクギツネ(Vulpus lagopus ungava

Source : Wikipedia

About the habitat of the arctic fox

Arctic foxes live in the Arctic, Alaska, and Russia. They are animals that are very resistant to the cold. Because of their thick fur, they are unaffected by snowfall in winter.

feature is? What kind of creature is it?

The arctic fox is extremely resistant to cold, and can survive in a world with temperatures as low as -70 degrees Celsius. Their fur is very thick because they can live in extremely cold regions. 70% of the arctic fox’s body hair is undercoat, and they generally have a round body shape. Their ears are buried in fur, which helps them protect themselves from the cold by reducing the surface area exposed to the cold. The coat color of the arctic fox is brown to blackish brown on the back in summer, white or yellowish white on the belly, and the whole body becomes white in winter. It is possible to move through the ice and move around the area.

What will your personality look like?

Arctic foxes live alone in pairs and have a personality similar to that of a cat. They are strong at night, and sometimes they sneak up on small animals to eat them, but sometimes they just rest and sleep. From the looks of it, even their feet are white, so they can hunt without being seen by their prey. They are carnivores and can eat anything, from young to adults. As a small species, life is very tough in a harsh environment with temperatures below zero.

What is the ecology of the arctic fox?

Arctic foxes eat lemmings, plants, mice, small animals and birds, fish and dead seals. Because of their dependence on lemmings, it is even said that the population of arctic foxes changes depending on the population of lemmings. Arctic foxes are monogamous and their breeding season is from April to July. The gestation period is about 2 months and it is possible to give birth to 4-10 puppies. Children reach sexual maturity at about 10 months. Their lifespan is very short, ranging from 3 to 6 years.

What are the natural enemies of the arctic fox?

The polar enemies of the arctic fox are polar bears and wolves.

Is the arctic fox an endangered species?

The arctic fox is not currently an endangered species. Although the situation is considered to be of low concern and stable, the situation is by no means optimistic. The reasons are as follows.

Exterminated as a pest

Arctic foxes often attack and eat livestock such as reindeer that live nearby. For this reason, there are many cases where they are exterminated as a result of retaliation.

conflict with foxes

Arctic foxes end up competing with other animals, such as red foxes, for food. We know that this is causing their population to decline.

Can arctic foxes be bred?

As you can see from the fact that arctic foxes attack livestock, they are quite ferocious and difficult to keep without a lot of skill. It is not recommended for the general public.


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